Friday, November 26, 2010

The US Drug Policy

Unlike the rest of the civilized world, we use a 5 catagory system instead of the standard "hard drugs" and "soft drugs" system, such as the Netherlands, England and much of the EU. Now before I get into my rant, I will say that I am a habitual marijuana smoker, and yes, I have done many other drugs, but am against them. Now back to our "drug control policy" which in my eyes and the majority of America, has failed miserably. So lets break it down:

Schedual 1- Is a drug with high potential for abuse and no medical value. In this catagory we have things like GHB, Heroin, MDMA and Cannabis, and actually other medicines used in cough suppressents that are legal around the world. Thats right folks, Cannabis is in the same ranks of date rape drugs, hallucinogens and opiates.

Schedual 2- A drug with high potential for abuse, but has medical value. Drugs like COCAINE (which they excuse as a topical anesthetic), Opium, Methadone (synethetic heroin), Amphetimines (used for ADHD). My big problem with this, is that more people have been killed by over the counter amphetimines, methadone, and cocain than by Cannabis. THEY ACTUALLY FIND COCAIN AND OPIUM SAFER THAN CANNABIS

Schedual 3- A drug with potential for abuse but less than schedual 1 and 2. Drugs like KETAMINE (date rape drug/vet anesthetic), and a whole list of synethetic opioids, hallucinogens and steriods.

Scheduals 4 and 5 are basically a list of things like Xanax and other dangerous perscription drugs. But they are totally legal and doctors, expecially in South Florida hand them out like candy. Now every catagory except schedual 1 are legal. That means they are finding things like Cocaine, LSA, Ketamine, Steroids, Opium, Synthetic heroin and synthetic meth safer than Cannabis! I dont want to go into statistics about arrest and deaths (which cannabis has caused 0 deaths), but I do want to say, I'm sickend by the amount of Justice Dept. resources, innocent patients going to jail, dispensaries being raided, for what!? I think that if we put Cannabis from a schedual 1 to lets say a 3 or 4, just so the government can tax it and commercially distribute it. Why should Ketamine and synthetic meth be legal and a cash cow for our government, while Cannabis which has legit medical value and is already legal in 14 states, be condoned as a "gateway drug" and the black sheep of all the wonderful plants that grows on the earth. Now like I said, I've done ALOT of drugs, and I see the reason most of them should be illegal, I've been more intoxicated by things like Xanax, Cocaine, and Oxycodone, than cannabis, I mean I smoke the stuff everyday before work, and I do just fine. If the policy continues to be the same, children will always find another drug to do. For example kids in high school are now "I-Dosing", basically they take high pitched, high bass rythems, download them on their I-Pods, put on their headphones and crank up the volume, it basically sends you into an auditory seizure (this i never have done, never will). Countries with a system mentioned earlier, defining the difference between "hard and soft drugs", have lower drug use among kids, lower drug related deaths, and they dont waste billions of dollars prosecuting teenagers for a gram of pot. To wrap it all up, something needs to be done about this, I know we have alot to worry about, what with a shit economy, 2 wars possibly a 3rd, but if we just passed 1 measly law, we could generate BILLIONS of dollars in tax revenue, enough to bail out the entire state of California and most of the US, and finally I wouldnt have to try and be so sneaky at concerts haha.

Quote for the day- "I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me"--Hunter S Thompson 


  1. Your blog would probably work better if you provided sources for everything you say. Your kind of blog DOES need sources.

  2. Thanks, im new to blogging, i could use the tips, thanks again.
