Sunday, November 28, 2010

The American Lifestyle

So The United States of America has been a country for 234 Years, 4 Months and 24 days (assuming im going by when the Delcaration of Independence was signed), and even though I obviously wasnt alive (assuming bhuddism is not real), I think I can safely say that the "American Lifestyle" has not only become the most narcissistic term used in the world, it also has (in my opinion) greatly fallen from something that was once admired around the world, to something that is hated and despised. With an unemployment rate of Roughly 9% which is horrible considering the global unemployment rate is roughly 6.6% (most updated report i could find). A median income per capita which is roughly 40,000, which isnt too bad, but i tend not to believe that number. And roughly 600,000 homeless at any given night. I think it is pretty safe to say the "American Lifestyle", once portrayed in the 50's as the lifestyle, is now portrayed as a horrible reality TV show. People use to flock over here by the thousands, just to have a chance, Now even if your born into America, you still dont get that chance (in some cases). Our cities are more polluted, more violent, and more inflated, I personally dont see that lifestyle anymore. Now I understand that we have more political freedoms (sarcastic), Civil liberties (SARCASTIC), and all around general human rights (again sarcastic), than most countries, I find it hard to be comfortable with those things, when the House and Senate, whipe their overprivleged asses with our constitution. Our housing market is dead, our daily news getting more and more depressing, small businesses are crumbling, and a stock market in the tubes, its hard to turn your head without seeing it for yourself. Even cities considered "recession proof" like New York, Las Vegas, San Francisco, and Miami, are starting to see their despair. To sum it all up, I dont see much improvement atleast not in the time our wonderful "savior" Barack Obama, had predicted. And frankly that pisses me off. I know not the most informative post, today was more of a rant.

Quote for the Day- "Do you want to tear your life apart and get rid of everything you've known as a lifestyle? Like seeing your family? Being with your friends? A fishing trip? A hunting trip? A night's sleep?”---Walter F Mondale.

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