Thursday, November 25, 2010

The American Government

Now if you know me personally, you should know I have a keen interest in politics and the American Governement. But recently, I have found our executive, legislative, and judicial branches to be a giant reality TV show. The constant struggle between who is in the lead whether it be Democrats or Republicans, has shown the rest of the world, that we cant even come together to solve internal issues, yet the better majority of our time and money goes to solving world-wide problems. Now I am all for helping those who are not fortunate enough to have the American life style (which will be discussed in a later post), but when we have 70 year old senators that dont know how to use email (yes, its true), our congress will make 70 year old decisions. Dont get me wrong, senators such as the late Ted Kennedy and Robert Byrd, have given this country some of the best legislation we have seen in the past 3 decades. Bottom line is, times are changing, the average age for a law-maker in other countries are getting lower and we still nominate politicians that are practically on their death bed for president. Our current politicians, expecially those elected in the November elections, have lost base on what this country was founded on. They use the constitution as toilet paper, and could give a shit about civil liberties and political freedoms. Then they try to cover it up by offering "transperancy" with acts such as "The Freedom of Information Act", then contridict it with acts such as "The Patriot Act". If we want to see change, then we need to make it. In my eyes, laws, the economy are just ideas, that we let control our lives. Now I am aware that we need laws and the economy is the foundation of America, but why not just hit a reset button. Now this may seem hypocritical, but I say we propose a maximum age for legislators. Cause lets face it, the politicians that made the decisions back in Vietnam, Bosnia and our other failed wars, dont have what it takes to make this country prosper. I think that in less than 15 years, given America goes down the same path we are going down now, we will be a second-rate country or even a third world country. That may seem impossible to you, but we've seen it happen before. Russia used to be a huge world power, and still is, but something like half of the country lives like its 1890, and America is facing that same fate. It is virtually impossible for one person to make a change, expecially in politics, so my dream of small government, low taxes, more money going to infastructure and perserving the "American Dream" and less money going to social welfare programs like the "Section 8 Housing Program", "Universal Healthcare" and raising tariffs. We are so desperate at one point during the Bush administration we were going to sell 8 of our major international ports to the Saudi Arabians. Just to be clear we were going to sell our most vunerable points of entry to one of the most untrustworthy countries in the world. To wrap it up, I was once a die-hard lover of our government and a huge politics buff, but now i have lost ALL faith, not only in the people in charge, but our entire political system. But I will say, that America is the BEST country in the world, and I would never consider living anywhere else...yet. So this is going to wrap up my rant for this evening. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.

Quote for the day- "Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder"- George Washington

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