Thursday, December 2, 2010

This Week in Politics: Wiki Leaks and Federal Pay Freeze

So to horrified to turn on the news, in fear that almost every foreign country is pointing their missles at us? Dont worry, I am too. I think everyone is after WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and his team of virgin, acne ridden hackers, have released 251,287 "cables" (basically fancy talk for an encrypted email). These cables included matters that were confidential, and included subjects such as, Personality Profiles of Foreign Leaders, Updates on Ongoing Secret Missions, Details of Past Operations and nonsense like that. Now WikiLeaks defends this by saying that the people have a right to "transperancy"...COME THE FUCK ON, REALLY? REALLY? Now im all for our government not keeping secrets on matters of coruption, campaign spending, casualties, elections and basic things that cant harm the average American. But were not talking about California Governer ex-nominee Meg Whitman spending 175 million dollars on her failed race against now Governer Jerry Brown. Were talking about matters of NATIONAL SECURITY, conversations that could now result in an endless amount of casualties. Now, Im pissed, and so is INTERPOL, today they issued an arrest warrant, but not for espionage, but on acts of Sex Crimes issued by Sweden. Whether he may or may not have actually stolen the information, he is in no doubt an accessory and a major douche.

On top of all of that, earlier this week, Barack Obama implemented a 2 year freeze on federal workers salaries. Yes you read that right, federal workers, including but not limited too: Veterans Nurses, The Guy who Mails Social Security Checks, People who Pick up Trash at National Parks. His reasoning "It will save 5 billion dollars in the first 2 years". Now thats not totally illogical, IF THE 2 MILLION CIVILIANS HE DID THIS TO, HAD TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS SOMEWHERE TO TAKE CARE OF THEIR FAMILIES! But since the good majority of those people make lets say between 20-40 thousand dollars per year, im guessing that they dont. I honestly dont know what more to say, other than, IMPEACHMENT!!!! Once I vent out my frustration, of all this madness, there will be more to come.